Project Controls Inc. provides pipeline patrol services that focuses on quality and accurate inspections with timely detailed reporting to aid the operator in protecting the integrity of their ROW and pipelines. We serve Montana, North Dakota, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. For service outside of these states please contact us.

For aerial pipeline patrols, we utilize an Aviat Husky, which is a tandem two-seat, high-wing, light utility aircraft that provides excellent side as well as forward visibility for inspections.
The aircraft is based in Sidney, MT with normal operations throughout ND, MT, WY and the ability to travel elsewhere.
To accurately determine the location of the pipeline ROW, the aircraft is GPS equipped with the shape files of the line installed in the GPS.

Routine maintenance inspections are performed on the aircraft that include 100 hour and annual inspections and aircraft are equipped with a satellite GPS.
What We Look For
During the patrol our pilots identify and communicate with the pipeline operator any situation that could affect the integrity of the pipeline. These include:
Aerial Erosion and Settlement Inspection
We look for any erosion issue that could potentially damage the line, this can include failed BMPs, water way or stream running through the ROW, spring or rain runoff, or erosion due to steep terrain.
We also look for any holes or trench settlement within ROW, common on newly constructed lines.

Row Encroachment Inspection
- Construction equipment working on or near the ROW
- Surveying or staking
- Agriculture/Landowners working on or near the ROW

Discoloration and or any liquid on or near ROW

Damaged Markers
We will report all down or damaged markers.

Critical Areas
Critical areas that require special attention during the patrol and are identified by the pipeline operator or Project Controls Inc. These areas are noted on the maps and communicated with the patrol pilot prior to each flight. Examples of critical areas can include the following:
- Work near the ROW such as Gravel Pit, Drilling Rig, Construction and Mine
- Areas with sensitive to erosion or settlement
- Steep terrain
- High traffic areas over ROW
- Above ground lines/crossings

We understand that the communications between the patrol pilot and the pipeline operator is equally as important as the patrol itself. Our priority is to accurately communicate detailed information of each observation, to the operator as soon as possible this is accomplished this with the use of photographs and accurate maps.- Our standard reports that are submitted at the end of the patrol include the following information:
- Line Name
- Date and Time of Inspection
- Latitude/Longitude of each observation
- Description of each observation
- Previously reported observations
- Photos of the observation
- Reports can be custom made that best fits the customers’ needs and requirements
- All reports, GIS files and photos are shared with the customer via email and/or Dropbox
Google Earth Reporting

Google Earth is utilized to provide accurate location reporting information of each observation. A Google Earth KML or KMZ file is included within each report upon completion of the flight. This file includes the following information:
- The shape file of the pipeline
- The actual flight track of each inspection, that includes the date and time the line was inspected
- The exact location with description of each observation
Observation Images
To provide the operator more detailed information of what we see during the inspection photographs of each observation are included in the report